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Leadership lightbulb moments #3

Why are you waiting to be asked (or told!)?

Are you feeling overlooked? Excluded from strategic decisions? Not invited to write the strategy? Like your skills and knowledge aren't always sought out?

All very common gripes from my coaching clients, right up to partner level.

Instead of using up energy fretting about it, try putting yourself in the shoes of the people you're complaining about instead.

Might they be wondering why you haven't taken the initiative in this area already? Might that lead them to think that you're not interested (or worse, not able) to make a strategic contribution?

Also, think about how you feel when someone more junior than you comes to you proactively with some strategic thoughts about a live problem or issue. You're impressed, right?

So, since it's January, kick off the year by asking yourself why you're waiting to be asked.

Think about what you can constructively do to get yourself involved in the things you care about. How can you show that you're proactive not reactive; that you're thinking about the issues your organisation faces, and that you've got some constructive thoughts that could be useful? Make a plan - try to pin down 2 or 3 specific steps you can take.

It might just open a few doors that you think are closed, and you might find yourself more valued as a result. And what's the worst thing that can happen if you shift from inaction to action? Nothing, right?

If you fancy a chat, or are thinking about coaching for you or someone on your team, do get in touch - I'm always happy to chat. And do let me know below whether you've felt like this and how you turned it around!